04-20-2014 Resurrection

Before I forget, let me begin this update by wishing all of you a very Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful day this Resurrection Sunday... but it really began with a powerful Good Friday service... which was actually an extension off of what we talked about on Palm Sunday last week... which actually built off of the Passover Seder that we’d eaten the night before...  (see, there is a method to the madness after all).

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04-13-2014 Finding Blessings: Blessed In Persecution

Before I forget, let me thank all of you who helped out this week with the Passover Seder dinner, whether with set-up, or clean-up, or cooking the (frankly amazing) food.  We had a good turn-out, and our new missionary friend from Chosen People -- named Josh Norman -- was totally blown away.  Seriously, he appeared to be genuinely moved, and he shared that he’d never been at a church that took the Seder so seriously, yet had so much fun with it.  Usually, apparently, it’s either some sort of goofy novelty to the churches, or else they take it so seriously that they miss the point that it’s supposed to be a family meal -- worship of God through genuine community.

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03-23-2014 Finding Blessings: Blessed With Meekness

Before I forget, let me thank everyone who helped out on Saturday with our all-church clean-up day.  We had spacklers and painters, cleaners and re-organizers, and several of us running garbage loads to the dumpster.  If you noticed, everything looks so much better now -- but we had just a few too few workers (and too little paint) to do everything that we’d wanted to do, so we’ll have one more painting day between now and Resurrection Sunday (so watch your emails for a note from the office).  But since people worked so hard on Saturday, that final painting day should go super fast.

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03-16-2014 Finding Blessings: Blessed When Life Is Hard

Before I forget, let me invite any FCCers who have at least a little time available this Saturday to come join us for our all-church work day at the church building.  This isn’t our annual “Spring Cleaning” day, per se-- this is a time to touch up and work on all the little dings and dents that the building has picked up over time.  As with so many things in life, we kinda get used to the less-than-perfect things that we don’t get a chance to fix right away.  That scratch over here, that dent over there--if we don’t work on it immediately, it soon drifts into the corners of our eyes, and we no longer see it.  Over time, the whole place can look dinged and dented, and though we don’t see it, others do--and though we may not see it consciously, it still affects our basic self-image of our church on a subconscious level.  So please come join us, even if you can only spare an hour or two this Saturday morning.  Just let the church office know that you’ll be there, if you could.

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2-23-2014 It's Not About The Miracles: Up Is Down

I confess a bit of a love/hate relationship with technology.  Oh, I love what new technologies can do--and, more importantly, what they can allow simple churches like ours to do--but I hate how easily something simple can gum up the works.  For instance, AT&T upgraded their systems and gave us a brand, new router for our office.  Our internet access is now lightning-fast, and that’s wonderful.  Of course, that meant that the main office computer could no longer print to the main office printer...

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2-9-2014 It's Not About The Miracles: Christ's Restaurant

I hope that this Update finds you at home, warm, and safe.  If you're in Georgia, my heart goes out to you.  At least 11 people have died due to the extreme weather conditions there (it may not sound like it's that bad to us Midwesterners, but they're totally unprepared for this sort of weather there, and when they all leave work at the same time to avoid the snowstorms... well, it's not a good thing).  Please keep the people in the South in your prayers.

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2-2-2014 It’s Not About the Miracles: Bothering

On Super Bowl Sunday morning Bears fans, Viking supporters, Chiefs loyalists, et al., and those less appreciative of gridiron gangs, gathered to worship God together and be in loving community. We collectively asserted our faith with Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. With a goose bump raising descant on Holy, Holy Holy, we aimed to be a pleasing scent in the nostrils of the Lord God Almighty. Breaking into pair,s we shared in a unique time of lifting up each other needs.    

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