03-15-15 Moments of Courage: The Baptist & the Tempter

It’s becoming a joke around here that I don’t really preach any more, and that’s a stinkin’ lie -- it’s just worked out that we’ve had other really great people who’ve felt burdened to share from the pulpit several times already this year.  But in general, I love preaching, and I appreciate every chance that I get to share from the Word of God.  I mean, as a pastor, I really only do work the one day each week...

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02-22-15 Preparing Our Hearts for Worship: Beauty

I hope that this Sunday Morning Update finds you healthy and joyful this week.  I say “joyful” because that’s a decision that you and I make, whereas “happy” is merely a reaction to your circumstances.  But life is far too important to allow your perception of it to be buffeted around by your circumstances -- instead, let your perception of your circumstances be dictated by your decision to find joy...

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02-15-15 Snowflake Evangelism (Guest Speaker Dawna Warren)

We had a nice, warm time in our worship service this week here at First Covenant this week, even though the weather is getting colder and colder outside.  First of all, we thanked everyone who had worked so hard on our annual Valentine’s Day dinner (for once, actually on Valentine’s Day) fundraiser for our Youth Group this past Saturday evening.  The Intersection Restaurant of Love was as beautiful as ever, and the food and service were spectacular, as always...

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01-25-15 Enthusiasm: Living Out the Growth Cycle

Every once in a while, we get to see the familiar faces of people who’ve been part of our church family, but have had to move on because of work, etc.  This week was a veritable flood of “old home week” interactions!  Rick and Liz Schmalzried came into town to celebrate Rick’s 50th birthday by going to Alexander’s Steakhouse... which also brought back Frank and Faith Zosky to celebrate as well... which had absolutely nothing to do with why Zach Malmgren just happened to pop in on the same day...

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01-18-15 God's Call to Genuine Love (Guest Speaker Denise Bailey)

Hello, and welcome to the “Spring” portion of January’s weather (not that I’m complaining, mind you -- it got awfully cold there for a while).  Here at First Covenant Church, this was a weekend for remembrances.  First off, it’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day weekend, and that really should mean more to us than simply getting a day off from school or work...

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12-07-14 Christmas Gifts: The Gift of Lavished Love

Though there isn’t currently any snow on the ground, it’s finally beginning to feel like the Christmas season around here.  We’ve got the tree up at home, decorations up in the church building, and we’re going caroling tonight as a church family (so I’m actually glad that it’s warmer this year than it has been in past years).  I even got the chance to explain to a new person why the angel on the church’s sanctuary tree is kinda scary-looking, instead of looking like some sort of traditional, fairy-type thing (our FCC angel is all covered with eyes and wings).  And then, after the service, everyone exchanged Christmas cookies, ’cuz this is the time of year to utterly ignore all of the good eating habits that I’ve worked so hard on for the rest of the calendar year.  Sigh...

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11-30-14 Christmas Gifts: The Gift of Hopes Fulfilled

Two weeks ago, I commented that it had been a hard week for several of our FCCers -- and this past week was even harder for a bunch more.  Now, some of that is simply seasonal (the holidays are festive for some people, and terribly stressful for others), but a lot of people just seem to be getting pounded on right about now.  Please keep your fellow Christian brothers and sisters in your prayers, if you would...

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