05-29-16 In the Days of the Judges: You're Doing It Wrong

As part of our Memorial Day commemoration, we always try to recognize people’s service to our country and let them know how much we appreciate them.  So, before I forget, let me thank everyone reading this who has been willing to put their lives on the line to provide a safe nation in which the rest of us can live, grow, and raise our families -- whether that be in the military, the police force, the fire department, or what have you...

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04-24-16 Voices in the Wilderness: Elisha (part 1)

On behalf of everyone going through so many personal crises here at First Covenant in the past week or so, we’d like to thank everyone for their conscientious prayers and support.  It can be so hard for people who are dealing with major life issues, massive health problems, chronic depression, the deaths of loved ones, etc., to get through, and it makes all the difference in the world to have a solid base of church family as a support, when the rest of your world suddenly seems to be crumbling out from under you...

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04-03-16 Voices in the Wilderness: Elijah (part 1)

Hello, and welcome to Spring 2.0!  It’s gonna be cold and wet here at the beginning of April, followed by being really, really cold, followed by being fairly warm... and all in the same week.  Man, I remember when I was a boy and there were actually, honest-to-goodness seasons that you could count on and look forward to.  Now, I’ve gotta keep my sweaters and short-sleeved shirts in the same drawer...

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03-06-16 The Last Words of Christ (part 1)

I dunno whether you’d say March came in like a lamb or a lion, but it’s pretty warm at the moment.  We just had snow last week, and now I’m overly warm in just my shirtsleeves.  I’m not going to go so far as to complain, per se, but I’d kinda like a smoother transition from winter to summer.  Then again, I may just be dreading that time change coming up this weekend, so don’t listen to me...

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02-14-16 The Lettuce Patch: Let Us Love...

Before I forget, let me stop and make sure to wish everyone reading this a Happy Valentine’s Day!  We had a beautiful day in the Lord today, with some of the most amazing snowflakes that I’ve ever seen.  I know that it might sound silly to say that, but seriously, these were the size of pencil erasers -- so big that you could see the lacy detail of the crystalline structure of each flake.  I’ve never seen anything like it in my life...

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