07-16-17 Let Them Hear: Sardis

Today was our first day of this year’s Vacation Bible School, and everyone seems to be holding up okay.  Well, Kristi’s cold is leaving her ears plugged up and her throat raspy, so she’s fielding her share of “deaf-mute” issues today (and, for that matter, the silly voice that I’m doing in the Finale each day kinda leaves my own throat a little sore), but other than that, we’re doing okay so far...

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07-09-17 Let Them Hear: Thyatira

We’re in the home stretch of preparing for our annual Vacation Bible School here at First Covenant!  Due to last-minute health and family issues, several of our key leadership positions have just suddenly switched around, so please be praying for leaders who are now suddenly preparing for completely different duties than they’d originally planned to be in charge of.  On the plus side, everyone’s going to come at things from a decidedly fresh perspective...

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06-18-17 Father's Day: God Our Father

Before I forget, let me retroactively wish all of you reading this a Happy Father’s Day!  This year, we took inspiration from our Youth Group’s Mother’s Day service back in May (when they prepared a video of each of the kids sharing about their Moms) and opened the morning up for testimonies from people about their Dads (or “father figures”), and how God has used those men to bring them to where they’re at today.

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05-28-17 Outflowing: The Holy Spirit Changes Everything

Thank you for your prayers for our Haiti Missions Team!  They got back safe and sound late this Monday night (well, mostly safe and sound -- Caleb apparently fell while climbing the ruins of an old fortress on Saturday and scuffed himself up a bit, but no serious injuries came from the week), and they are praising God for the ministry that they were able to perform while on the island.  In fact, they’ll be sharing about that in our service next Sunday, so please come join us if you can...

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05-21-17 Outflowing: The Holy Spirit as Equipper

Our Haiti Missions Team is halfway through their time serving the church down in Haiti!  They’re actually unable to connect with us here in the United States for two more days, but the last time we heard from them, they were finding it very rewarding to be able to help in meaningful ways, and really felt the power and leading of God in what they were doing there.  Please do keep praying for them for the rest of the week, and for their safe trip back on Memorial Day...

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