9-8-2013 A Morning of Missions

Sunday morning we welcomed special guests Paul & Linda Erickson and Brian, Julie, Leo, & Aletheia Sendelbach.  Paul and Linda kicked off our Sunday school season with an interesting and informative talk on the current state of Missions.

We enjoyed singing several worship songs in both English and Spanish.  Bill led our prayer time reading from Psalm 16.  Our brother Jim Irwin was lifted up for his severe leg pain and upcoming 4th round of chemotherapy Friday.  We hope he can continue work as well as challenge our youth with his unique style in Interrogators at Sunday School next week.

Paul Erikson shared

  • Video and personal testimony of a massive collaborative volunteer project to help beautify, repair, and share hope in a 48- block run-down section of Detroit
  • Titus 3:1-8 on devoting ourselves to doing good
  • A powerful Neil Anderson pamphlet on our Identity in Christ
  •  An unique & moving video of how real Heaven is and how we will enjoy it

The sermon (and the service) was an encouraging smorgasbord of scripture.  Both Being and Doing were comingled.  Our Identity in Christ through His grace…was beautifully juxtaposed with the natural outflow of our good works and acts of service.  We were charged to serve and encourage others with true humility to all men.

After the service we joined in our annual Small Group Ministry Fair to nudge and draw in those who are not already experiencing the growth and rewards of a more intimate relational group.

One of the interesting tidbits overheard, from the many varied fellowship conversations after the service, was Marge Beal’s explanation of the now-popular sport of Pickleball.  The game sounded quite interesting, but not as interesting as watching Richard League as he questioned the sport.

We hope you can break bread with us next Sunday (9/15) for the Connections Potluck.