05-17-15 Basic Training: Growing Up

Wendy and Megan and I spent the weekend in Chicago, and I was reminded of all of the things that I love and hate about Chicago.  We got to spend time with my aunt and uncle (whom I love), and eat at That Pasta Place (which I love), and sit in traffic for hours (which I really hate).  We got home Saturday night, enjoyed a morning of worship with the First Covenant Church family, and then ran back to Morton for Megan’s graduation ceremony that afternoon...

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04-12-15 Basic Training: No Excuses

This past week has been great for our household, since my kids were on Spring Break, and that meant quality family time.  We even got to have some extra bonus quality family time by having Sara Stewart (who’s kinda like an extra bonus daughter) over for pizza and a movie one night.  I’ve always felt bad for those parents who look forward to their kids going off to school so that they can get rid of them -- my time with my kids is usually the highlight of my day...

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04-05-15 Moments of Courage: The Angels and the Disciples

Before I forget to say this, let me start this Update with a hearty Happy Resurrection Sunday!  I really do have to be careful, or else I’ll forget to mention stuff like that.  It’s not that it’s not important -- it’s just that once a holiday is over, I’m off and running, thinking about what’s coming up the next Sunday.  And that’s a shame, really...

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03-29-15 Moments of Courage: The Crowds and the Temple

Welcome to Holy Week!  I’d like to encourage you not to think of Easter as a “Sunday morning thing” so much as a celebration that you’ll want to spend all week leading up to.  In fact, here at First Covenant, we don’t even call it “Easter” -- we rather prefer to think of it as “Resurrection Sunday” (to remind us of just what exactly it is that we’re celebrating, and to help us make that one more step of removal from baskets, bonnets, bunnies, and chocolate in our minds)...

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