09-11-16 In the Days of the Judges: In the Days of Gibeah

Fifteen years after the destruction of the World Trade Center by terrorists, the day was marked by remembrances... and people complaining about remembrances.  It was significant how many people didn’t like that President Obama gave a pre-recorded address before a football game, or that a Wal-Mart put up a display using Coca-Cola products, or that Papa John’s sold pizzas at $9.11, or that players stood during (or didn’t stand during) the national anthem, or that Hillary Clinton didn’t tell people that she had pneumonia, etc.  Fifteen years later, and an amazing number of people were far more interested in feeling offended than they were in being moved, because it’s all about how they feel...

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09-04-16 In the Days of the Judges: In Those Days...

One more week to go before we start back up with our Sunday School classes for all ages!  Apart from that whole horrible “I have to come to church an hour earlier!” tragedy, everyone loves being part of these classes.  It’s not like a “school” school class, where you have to know stuff already, or you feel inadequate when the teacher asks you to write out the math equation on the board, this is purely a time to learn and interact with information that you probably didn’t know before -- and to do that with people whom you might not normally get to interact with...

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07-24-16 In the Days of the Judges: The Art of the Deal

Thank you, thank you, to all of you who were praying for our Vacation Bible School this past week.  Yes, the building looked amazing (and thank you to everyone who helped out with that), but more importantly, things ran very smoothly and everyone had a wonderful time.  But far more important than that, we had several children who were strongly affected by what we discussed throughout the week, and three who specifically gave their hearts to the Lord.  In an important addendum to that, I had some intensely constructive conversations with four different families at the Ice Cream Social this past Friday evening (I even got to pray with three of them), so our VBS continues to minister to people, even after the week is all over.  We can only attribute the effectiveness of the program to the Holy Spirit, going ahead, alongside, and after us at every step.  So thank you for praying!

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07-17-16 In the Days of the Judges: You Got What You Wanted, Tiger...

So I’m sending this out right in the middle of our annual Vacation Bible School, and it’s exciting!  The whole church building is decorated like a series of giant caves (complete with a mining car and track that runs throughout the building), and it’s always a pick-me-up for our VBS workers whenever the children walk through the hallways ooh-ing and ahh-ing...

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06-26-16 In the Days of the Judges: Go In the Strength You Have

Our family took Megan up to Chicago this week for her month-long Golden Apple training thingie, leaving her on the campus of St. Xavier University.  We’ll pick her up again at the end of July, right in the middle of VBS week (which, even with everyone’s careful planning, has retroactively turned out to fall on one of the worst weeks of the Summer for many of our volunteers)...

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06-19-16 In the Days of the Judges: Trust Issues

Before I forget, let me wish everyone out there reading this a very Happy Father’s Day!  And yes, even if you’re not a Dad, I can still hope that and wish that you have a happy Father’s Day (because otherwise, I’m wishing that you don’t have a good day -- how malicious would that be?).  But beyond that, as we said on Sunday morning, we can use the day as an opportunity to show our appreciation for any of the men who have invested their lives into ours and acted as mentors (“father-figures”) over the years...

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06-05-16 In the Days of the Judges: Those Who Cannot Remember the Past...

What a wonderful day in the Lord we had this weekend!  We hosted our annual Community Cook-Out this Sunday, and it was great not only because the weather was perfect (which it was), and the food was outstanding (special kudos for those pork chops, guys), and the fellowship was awesome (as usual), but particularly because we were able to welcome a couple of new, non-FCC families as well...

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