12-11-16 The Christmas Story: Joy

Ah, ’tis the season... for shiny lights, schmaltzy advertisements, cheesy TV movies, grumpy Facebook posts, and tons and tons of rampant retail shopping.  That would make for a lousy Christmas carol, but it’s kind of the modern sentiment right now.  Kinda makes me want to crawl into an old Bing Crosby movie, or go caroling again, or cuddle up with my family and remind ourselves what it is that we’re really celebrating this time of year...

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11-06-16 God Is Sovereign: Trusting God

This week, like so many churches across the country and around the world, we observed the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, praying for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering for their faith.  But in the midst of that, even in the videos featuring people in other lands who are enduring hardship for being Christians, we reminded one another that God is still God, that God is still faithful, and that God can still work even through horrific circumstances to bring about His will -- His much larger and much wiser will than we can understand...

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10-30-16 Mission to the Church: Preparing God's People to Build Up the Body of Christ (guest speaker Tom Kelly)

Ordinarily, I write these Updates mid-week, but I wanted to write this one earlier on so that I could avoid any appearance of being swayed by how the Cubs play in the sixth game of the World Series on Tuesday.  I mean, I wouldn’t want anyone to think that I was gloating if we won, or that I was trying to find “meaning” in losing...

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10-02-16 Drowning in Culture: Sexual Liberality

It’s October!  Time for raking leaves, time for putting pumpkins and dried ears of corn out on our front stoop, time for long walks in the cool of the evening, time for getting huge bags of candy at sale prices, time to host Tom and Janice Kelly (our missionaries to Mexico for the past 30 years) one last time, time for Pastor Appreciation Month (so make sure to give your Deacons and Elders a hug this month), time for finalizing the church’s budget (so make sure to give your Deacons and Elders a hug this month), and time for ramping up to the November Presidential election...

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09-25-16 Drowning In Culture: Theological Liberalism

I’m sure many of you are lamenting this week’s weather, but I’m loving the cooler temperatures.  In fact, I helped take some friends on a tour of Illinois State University’s campus yesterday, and it was so much nicer than it would have been last week.  Of course, it was still terribly hot for Eric and Sara Diemer’s wedding on Saturday...

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09-18-16 Drowning In Culture: Postmodernism and Shame

This was a special holy week in Central Illinois (or, as I like to call it, the Morton Pumpkin Festival).  People trek in from all across the country to see the largest parade in downstate Illinois, eat pumpkin ice cream, ride the Tilt-a-Whirl (or bumper cards, whichever is more your speed), and generally have a lot of fun.  Yes, we got drenched by the downpour on Friday night -- but that just made the lines for the pork chop sandwiches that much shorter...

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