"Advent Series: WHWWW? When?"

"Advent Series: WHWWW? When?"

We’re launching into the Christmas season with wild abandon here at First Covenant Church!  Thank you to everyone who stayed afterwards on the 26th to help us decorate the building -- it looks beautiful!  And yes, I’m aware that there are some FCCers who will want to keep the decorations up until Easter, but we all just need to be willing to enjoy them while they last...

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Okay, before I forget to comment, I hope that last week, you had a very Happy Thanksgiving!  We had the blessing of being able to spend a chunk of quality time with our extended family this past week, though Megan and I both caught colds at the end of the week that curtailed that a bit (and our recently-purchased van caught a cold as well -- ask me about that sometime).  But we all have so much to be thankful for that it’s hard to dwell on the hiccups in life...

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10-29-17 "Ecclesia Reformata Semper Reformanda"

Since you’ll be reading this after October 31, let me just wish you a very Happy Reformation Day!  People tend to get the wrong idea when I say that to them.  For instance, some people think that I’m joking -- that I’m making a big deal about something trivial just to be funny (but that couldn’t be further from the truth).  Others think that I’m just trying to find something other than Hallowe’en to celebrate on that day (which I explained a bit more in detail in the podcast interview that I had last week with Aletheia Classical Christian School headmaster Chris Marchand, where we discussed the nature of evil and the history of the Church’s response to Hallowe’en... as well as Darth Maul’s double-bladed lightsaber...).  Still others take that as some sort of passive-aggressive attack on the Catholic Church (which comes out of some understandable over-sensitivity, but ignores the fact that pretty much all of the original Reformers were active, Catholic clergy)...

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10-22-17 "The Five Solas of the Reformation: Soli Deo Gloria"

I just shared something with someone yesterday that I’ve shared with various others over the years -- that sometimes, whole weeks go by where I feel shocked that I get paid to do something that’s this rewarding and this much fun... and then other weeks come by where I remind myself that it’s times like this when I earn all of that back pay...

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10-08-17 "The Five Solas of the Reformation: Sola Gratia"

We had another wonderful day in the Lord this Sunday morning here at First Covenant! Thank you in particular to everyone who’s been praying for the outreach to Peoria Heights High School that we took part in, in connection with Stand for Truth Ministries’ outreach team -- the Christian band, Attaboy.   We hosted Attaboy as our Worship Team on October 1, and then they held an assembly at PHHS last Wednesday, followed by a free concert that night at the Lakeview Community Center, where they shared the Gospel message with teens...

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09-24-17 "The Five Solas of the Reformation: Sola Scriptura"

Peoria is hurting right now, after police shot and killed an armed robbery suspect this week... Let’s all be in prayer for the man’s family, for the police department, for our community, and for our country in general.  Pray for wisdom, pray for strength (moral strength, physical endurance, and strength of character throughout this whole situation), and pray for peace for everyone.  Whatever else we may find out about who did what, the undeniable truth is that a man is dead now because of violence that should never have happened...

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09-10-17 "BLESS: Serve With Love"

Stress is a funny thing.  It can give you headaches, it can raise your blood pressure, it can precipitate heart attacks and strokes, and it can even make you gain weight.  It can make you snap at the people who love you, it can make you jump to conclusions that you shouldn’t, and it can make you stare up at the ceiling when what you really need to do is sleep so that you’re at your best when you need to be...

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08-27-17 "BLESS: Listen with Care"

We had a great day in the Lord this Sunday!  Working backwards, a number of us went out to lunch and had a wonderful time interacting over a meal together, enjoying good fellowship.  Let me encourage everyone to join us this coming Sunday for our monthly Brown-Bag-It lunch in the Fellowship Hall downstairs after the service, because it’s so important to be able to spend quality time together as a family -- even a church family...

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