Seder (Passover Meal)
Please come join us for a traditional passover meal, where we explore the meaningful symbols and traditions that were stabled in Egypt during the very first passover meal.
Please come join us for a traditional passover meal, where we explore the meaningful symbols and traditions that were stabled in Egypt during the very first passover meal.
Remember to set your alarm clocks so that you don't accidentally sleep through the church service tomorrow morning at 10:30 -- you won't even have to change out of your pajamas to join us!
The special "phoned-in" service will be posted on our church members' Facebook page at 10:30, as well as on our church website. We will also be providing devotionals to you again so that you can follow along with the music and then have a household discussion afterwards.
Set your alarms!
Make a team of 6 or come on your own (we’ll find you a team) and join us to test your knowledge of anything and everything!
Join us for a candlelight service at 6:30pm on Christmas Eve. Let’s celebrate our Savior’s birth!
Come sing some Christmas carols while visit our neighbors and spread some good cheer!
No matter what you’re eating let’s share a meal and fellowship together.
No matter what you’re eating let’s share a meal and fellowship together.
Join us at FCC for our Family Friendly Movie Night! We will have fresh popped popcorn, comfy couches, and a big screen set up in the narthex.
This is a great time to check out the different smalls groups FCC has to offers. If you don’t already have a small group, please stick around and see where you might be able to plug in!
Join us on September 8th for our Sunday School Kick-Off! Classes regularly meet from 9:00 am to 10:00 am on Sunday mornings from September through May for interactive, age-appropriate, application-oriented studies of the Bible.
No matter what you’re eating let’s share a meal and fellowship together.
Join us as we celebrate our Brothers and Sisters who are following Christ’s command to be baptized.
Join us this Sunday, August 18th, for our Congregational meeting.
Join us for our FIRST Kids Club meeting! We will run from 6:00pm - 7:30pm, with games, crafts, snacks, worship, and, of course, a Bible lesson!
Calling all Kindergartners through 6th graders to join us on Paul’s Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth!
Entering Kindergartners - entering 6th graders are welcome to join us for a time of games, crafts, music, snack, and a Bible story! (We even have a bounce house!)
Peggy will be hosting an end of year Sunday School teacher meeting. If you are a Sunday School teacher, assistant, or substitute please make sure you can join us for this important debrief.
Please join us on Jun 1st, at noon, for a Mandatory Children's Workers Meeting. We want to make sure that everyone who works with children, at our church, are aware of the correct laws, codes, procedures, etc…
Join us at 6:30, at FCC for a night of games! Titan Games will be on hand with some new games and some old favorites to try out!
Great Oaks Camp will be having registration at First Covenant Church on May 20th & 21 from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
Please come joins us for a special service where we honor our Moms.
Join us for our monthly Brown Bag It! No matter what you’re eating let’s share a meal and fellowship together.
Join us for our monthly Brown Bag It! After service come on down to the Fellowship Hall with a brown bag lunch, food thrown in some Tupperware, or grab a lunch from Micky D’s. No matter what you’re eating let’s share a meal and fellowship together.
Join us for our monthly Brown Bag It! After service come on down to the Fellowship Hall with a brown bag lunch, food thrown in some Tupperware, or grab a lunch from Micky D’s. No matter what you’re eating let’s share a meal and fellowship together.
Join us this Sunday, February 17, for our Congregational meeting! We are making this a working lunch and will be meeting in the fellowship hall.
Join us on January 19th, 2:00-4:00 for our Treasure Hunt Spectacular! Kindergartners to 6th grades are welcome to an afternoon of games, snacks, and of course, some time learning about God’s Word!
Join us at the Intersection Restaurant of Love on February 9th. Doors open at 6:00pm and seating begins at 6:15pm. Tickets will be for sale at church or you can contact Sara Diemer (studentministries@firstcovenant.net).
Manual Girl's Basketball hosts a Pink Out game for Cancer Research. Ms. Nelson is the girls coach who promotes this cause. We’d love for you to join us!