10-20-2013 Justice, Mercy, Grace & Love from God through You
/Sunday we welcomed Debbie Griffith Samuels, Director of Mission and Outreach, and her husband Deacon Wiley Samuels. This was her first visit to our church, unless you count her selflessly donated kidney that was here last week with our speaker Jerome Nelson!
We were joyed to hear positive reports on Megan Laninga and Scott Jeffries. We learned that our friends Igor and Vita Swiderski are relocating to Germany for their next season of ministry. Also, due to Pastor Kevin’s sabbatical, our official pastor appreciation is being postponed from October to February.
Mark & Judy Malan provided our Minute for Missions focus. Mark related the historical context of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as well as some personal history. They donated a new copy of Operation World to our church library and referenced its immeasurable value in helping us be aware of and pray for our world.
The sermon started with Debbie expressing thanks for Randy’s endless hospitality. She enlightened us to the many and varied responsibilities associated with her role in the Evangelical Covenant.
We focused on Micah 6:8. Micah means ‘who is like the Lord’. In this context, something had gone radically wrong and the people’s hearts had drifted from God and each other.
What does the Lord require of us?
- To act justly
- To love mercy
- To walk humbly with our God
We were instructed to not forget our identity in Christ. We were encouraged to focus on the root cause, our relationship with God…out of which flows His love to others. Even our warped identities can be healed and our broken relationships restored.
We were reminded that God’s grace is sufficient, even for those of us who feel we’ve drifted irretrievably from Him, to overcome and bring us back. Even if we’re without words to pray we can moan out to God. He hears us, loves us, and His mercies are new each and every day.
Many, many encouraging and uplifting examples were shared of how covenant churches are reaching out in tangible and unique ways to love on people. May His church continue to grow and be anointed by the Holy Spirit, and may we obey and love God and others well. Amen