8-11-2013 South Side Mission
/South Side Mission is a ministry that we, at FCC, have partnered with for many years. "South Side Mission exists to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to the poor, and in His name to love, feed, house, clothe and teach all those people He sends to us." This ministry is a very tangible example of being Christ's hands and feet.
Larry McMillian joined our worship service and shared the good work that they mission has been up to, encouraged us all to take a look at our interactions with the less fortunate, and spoke about how we could further be involved with outreach.
South Side Mission is in constant need of more volunteers. Is God asking you to step outside your comfort zone, and help make an impact in someone's life? If you have any interest in volunteering at the Mission, please check out their website.
"The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me'" - Matthew 25:40