08-10-2014 Peoria Rescue Ministries (Guest Speaker Jerry Trecek)
/This past Sunday we had guest speaker Jerry Trecek visit. He is the Executive Director of Peoria Rescue Ministries. Jerry and his wife have been involved with Peoria Rescue Ministries for 46 years now. When they first started, there were taverns all around the mission. Now there are none. But just because they no longer see alcohol addictions as visibly, they now see all types of addictions: prescription pills, pornography, online gambling. The average age of addiction they see is 29 years old.
Jerry spoke about the 3 things you are to fill your life with: Truth, Love, and Service.
Truth: When you memorize Scripture you have no “stinkin thinkin.” When you hide the word in your heart, no one can take it from you.
Love: Love overcomes bitterness. The result of love is one becomes a cheerful giver. We must fall in love with our Savior and speak the truth firmly.
Service: When a life is changed, the person wants to DO something. You must put your faith into action (see Exodus 23:25 and Matthew 25:35-36).
In conclusion: A life filled with God’s truth under the Spirit’s control will manifest God’s love with action.