08-13-17 Testimony Sunday
/We lifted praises this morning, singing: the Doxology, Shout to the Lord, We Bow Down, Blessed Assurance, and I will Sing of the Mercies. For the offertory Mark, with solo acoustic guitar, sang his original heartfelt beautiful song based on Isaiah 30:15 and trusting God when we have fear.
Bill read Acts 10:36b- 42. Scott, with Kristi home caring for an ill Abby, led our congregational prayer.
Lucy opened our testimony time sharing how our gracious and relational Heavenly Father was with her through a frustrating season of significant back pain, and led her to some God-connections and significant healing.
Amy shared how God’s merciful and loving hand was evident through her brother’s illness in a remote cabin property.
Richard shared the profoundness in his experiencing John 1:1 in Español. Our translation of “The Word” is “Verbo” – not just a noun, but a verb!
Marge shared her recent experience vising Orpha, who we pray for and really miss seeing. Orpha’s rule when you visit is no negative words or thoughts, and she even keeps a bowl of miniature chocolate bars to bless those who visit. Marge said she went to be a blessing to Orpha, but came away inspired and blessed by Orpha…and that the testimony shared this morning was actually Orpha’s.
Kim D. shared God’s blessing after multiple tests revealed their unborn Zane’s kidneys were enlarged. Many have been praying for Zane…and a recent 3-D ultrasound showed completely normal, healthy kidneys.
Anna gave an emotional testimony…sharing how much she loves and appreciates our church family. She shared how she’s had some anxiety in the past, but has found refreshment, and been led by God, sometimes in amazing ways, to connect with people and community. Anna’s candid exuberance for how the Lord will continue leading, and who He’ll be bringing into her life, was contagious.
Our God is a loving God, who grows us and reveals Himself to us and through us in our trials. Our prayer is that He continues transforming us to be more like Him, making us more effective at loving others and serving Him.
We hope to see you next Sunday when we welcome back Pastor Kevin and family!