Testimony Sunday
/Many were out with illness, including our beloved Pastor Kevin. If you were one of them, you were missed! Sunday school converted from our typical interactive growth-provoking teaching to be a time of sharing followed by intimate group prayer. It seemed a Lord-ordained beginning to a memorable and moving Sunday morning service.
We heartily sang several songs, including Days of Elijah, Abide in Me, I will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord Forever, When We All Get to Heaven (a favorite of our brother Cliff who I believe may have been singing with us in a most beautiful voice we’ll hear again in God’s timing).
Erika, who was successfully moved this week by many helping hands, read our scripture Acts 10:37-42. We prayed for those in pain and needing comfort, and even (in Cliff fashion) lifted up a prayer for urgently needed lost item.
Please take note of one key announcement: 2nd Kids Club Treasure Hunt is Saturday, January 19, from 2 to 4 p.m. Please invite and bring kids (up through 6th grade) for songs, worship, teaching, and crafts. It will be like a ‘mini VBS’ and is a great way to bless kids and the support our growing mission.
Moving, genuine, and beautiful testimonies were shared of God’s provision, strength, and comfort in tough times. They attested to how tough times can facilitate our drawing nearer to and becoming more dependent on our trustworthy Father. God goes ahead of us, and much fruit and God-honoring serving of the Body is born from adversity.
Many, often choked-up, recollections of stories and impacts of our brother Cliff were shared.
We ended with a final charge. Cliff was an excellent example of living out being the part of the Body he was created and transformed by God to be. What steps can we take to let God transform us to become who He created us to be?